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How I Get Free Music, TV Shows, Movies, and More (Legally)

How I Get Free Music, TV Shows, Movies, and More (Legally)As a broke college student it’s hard to legally get a hold of the digital products I want. Luckily, over time I have stumbled across ways to get these products legally and free or very cheap. This article discusses how I currently get my digital products.

HitBliss Free Pandora OneMusic
I have always preferred online streaming services like and Pandora over purchasing albums or songs. However, the one thing I hated was the audio quality. When I listened to music in my car, the bass was painful to listen to. Additionally, deafening screeches or squeals commonly appeared when I turned up the volume. Luckily, I stumbled upon an application called HitBliss a couple weeks ago. HitBliss is an application that gives you rewards for watching ads. It took me just a few minutes after downloading the application to my phone to get a month subscription to Pandora One absolutely free--the high quality, ad free version of Pandora. I’ve been using Pandora One for a couple weeks now, and it has been wonderful. Now I am able to turn up the volume in my car without the deafening screeches or squeals and pretty decent bass.

TV Shows & Movies
Between school and work, I rarely have a chance to watch a show or movie when it airs on TV. Additionally, I don’t want to pay to stream something online if I’ll probably only watch it once. HitBliss saved me again. Not only can you order a Pandora One subscription on HitBliss, but you can also rent movies (including new releases) and purchase TV shows (usually the day after they air). It took less than twenty minutes of watching ads (I was actually watching YouTube on my computer while HitBliss ran on my phone) to earn enough credit to purchase three episodes of Suits and rent a movie. The application links to your Amazon account to make the purchases and rentals. One downside is that you are limited to four Amazon purchases/rentals a week. However, I've decided that there is no reason for me to watch more than four shows/movies a week, so I'm currently okay with this limit.

Google Opinion Rewards BalanceApplications
Honestly, most of the applications I use are either freeware or free web apps. However, this doesn't help for my phone. For that I use Google Opinion Rewards. Google Opinion Rewards is a free app in the Google Play Store that gives you Google Play credit for taking short surveys. About once a week a notification will prompt you to take a one to ten question survey. Afterwards, credit will be applied to your account. I’ve bought several Android apps this way. Additionally, this credit works for anything in the Google Play Store, including movies, TV shows, comics and books.

I've never been much of a casual reader. If I read, it tends to be technical books that are hard to read digitally to start with. I've noticed that I can read these books much faster and comprehend a lot more when I have a tangible copy. Now I take advantage of my local library if I decide it’s not worth paying for. Furthermore, if my library doesn’t have the book I am looking for, they have a lending program where they can borrow books from participating libraries. I just tell them what I’m looking for, and they will have it shipped from a library that carries it at no cost to me. It is definitely work checking to see if your library participates in a program like this one. Not only is this program available for books, but also audiobooks and movies.

Smart Audiobook PlayerAudiobooks
Audiobooks are very important to me. I commute to work and school, so I like to listen to them during my drive. This wouldn’t be a big deal, but I listen to audiobooks at twice the normal speed or higher just because the readers talk so slow. Doing this allows me to listen to two or three full Audiobooks a week during my commute. However, there is no way I could pay for over a hundred audiobooks a year. The library has become my best friend again. Additionally, if I ever find myself waiting for an audiobook to come in, I just listen to public domain content through ezPDF Reader’s read aloud feature.

Video Games
Console gamers, I can’t help you. I'm a PC gamer and always will be. One of the reasons I’m a PC gamer is because it is so cheap. I've decided that I have no problem waiting for a new release to come on sale. I never buy a game if it isn't on sale or in a bundle. After all, my Steam library is packed for of games I haven't even downloaded yet. If I feel tempted to purchase a game at full price, I just get myself sucked back into TF2 and forget about the other game.

Overall, I’m happy with my methods for acquiring these products. Some of these methods have worked great for me for a long time. Have another method not listed here? Let me know in the comments below.

Campus Management System Ways Simplified With a Technical System

by Pavan

Administrations of schools and instructive foundations regularly need to battle in regulating and dealing with an extensive number of learners. Then again, desires of folks from the establishment are dependably high. As being what is indicated, the most straightforward approach to guarantee folks and have a safe facilities administration framework is to settle on an innovation that will keep a watch on understudies by giving a protected and solace feeling. Numerous establishments now choose high end engineering that will offer security and mental peace to class powers and folks much the same.

What does such innovation offer? 

The best some piece of having a specialized framework for overseeing security is the confirmation figure that is introduced at each level. Learners are relegated a tweaked card that is utilized to recognize them at school transport pickups and droppings, classrooms, school door and different branches. Certain organizations likewise offer the world class biometric confirmation engineering that uses the face location innovation to recognize and check scholars at different focuses.

The school administration can keep a track for all the developments of a learner for a specific day. Additionally, on the off chance that, the learner is truant for a day, the framework cautions the folks about the same, and consequently, affecting an expeditiousness in activity. Separated from participation, this sort of specialized framework might be executed whatsoever levels like confirmation, expense framework, staff data, payroll, time table era, accounts office, examinations, effects and library administration.

The profits to the school 

The administration of the campus management system school can have better gain access to information, which is archived in a systemized way. Since all the information gets sustain in a focal framework, it spares expansive expenses of paper, stationers, and manual work for looking after records. The participation framework is remarkably regularized with reports on every understudy made independently for assessment and cross checking. The execution of learners might be evaluated at singular and gathering levels, and that thus, maneuvers the methodology of appearing for folks.

The profits of time based, specialized framework, could be harvested whatsoever departmental levels. It permits the administrator office to make adaptable reports dependent upon recorded and trusted information on a correct framework. The information assembled by the facilities administration might be effortlessly used to present as charts and tables. Actually, this framework permits administration to speak to the wage and consumption on an undeniable stage. Since such frameworks are intended for schools and comparable foundations along these lines, the chairmen can undoubtedly modify the framework as per useful requirements.

With respect to folks, they can representative moment SMS administration to stay informed concerning every development of their people. This incorporates SMS on sheets transport, participation, crises and all other applicable warnings.

Since, school management software frameworks utilizes biometric verification they are a reliable demonstrated framework to record all information and participation elements burrowing little creature in this way, can turn out to be an effective device for speaking to the accurate realities of an establishment. The speculation in such programming does yield productive outcomes for the administration and in addition for folks and other administrative establishments, who are intrigued by security of scholars and well dealt with obligation of the school.

Contact Milwaukee Computer Repair For Professional Services

by jamesmilten 

Over a period of time most of us experience repairs in computers which have become a part of our life and at such times there is no need to look for an expensive option of replacing the old system but can approach Milwaukee computer repair experts who offer professional services that just keeps you computer up and running in no time. They offer both on-site and in store repair services on the same day as they do understand how important computers have become in our day to day operations.

 They offer services for both commercial and residential users with their technicians who are certified by Microsoft as system engineer, systems administrators and professionals etc. They handle all brands and repair services whether screen repair, virus removal, software and hardware issues, DC power jack replacements etc with their diagnostic tools and repair solutions. The Milwaukee computer repair also offer networking and VPN services for small businesses handling their routers, VPN software and hardware, wireless printers, NAS and so on. They also offer remote support by resolving their clients computer repairs without the necessary of coming to the on-site. They also handle data transfer and data backup solutions for their clients computers as one never know when a system hardware may crash if proper maintenance services are availed.

Similarly, you can also use Milwaukee computer service calling them to your residence to handle repairs like virus removal which actually makes the system slow and they also update your system with latest software's and applications along with recommending a quality antivirus program to keep your system safe from malware. They also handle screen replacements for both desktops and LCDs connect your networking and wireless printers and also keyboard repair. They also educate you on the data backup solutions as any manmade or natural calamity may cause a system crash damaging all you stored data like files, tax details, photos, videos etc that cannot be recovered again.

However, Milwaukee computer repair services are professionals in retrieving lost data using their latest tools and technology from PC, MAC and RAID formatted hard drives. As they know how sensitive issue losing data and a single chance for retrieving data they complete the job paying full attention and offer refund in case they are not successful in completing the job. So for any computer repair services just rely on Milwaukee experts who shall offer their services for 100% customer satisfaction.